An egalitarian and enlightened society free from torture, violence, poverty and discrimination
To establish a just and peaceful society working for rights of poor and vulnerable
sections of population through social mobilization, capacity building and rights
based advocacy on the principles of safety and dignity.
- Create a culture of tolerance, peace and harmony in order to respect, protect and
fulfill human rights enshrined in the UN's Human Rights instruments
- Struggle to secure detained persons from custodial abuses & carry out medical, psychological
rehabilitation of victims of torture
- To lobby and advocate for legislation on torture free detention and monitoring mechanism
- Offer psycho-social services including education, skill development to torture/violence
survivors for reintegrating them in society as productive citizens with enhanced
self esteem
- Sensitize and capacitate media fraternity on issue oriented, development & Human
Rights reporting
- Capacitate local communities, civil society organizations and government line agencies
on importance of gender mainstreaming, protection of women against gender based discrimination
- Struggle to secure children from abuses in school and social settings and offer the
victims rehabilitation services
- Extend psychosocial, medical and food support to communities hit by natural and man-made
- Endeavor for the rights of underprivileged groups by promoting democratic governance